On our 10th Anniversary, Markham Mayor, Frank Scarpitti &
Councillor Alex Chiu presented achievement certificate &
encouragement letters to congratulate and compliment
Beware Wet Paint's outstanding achievements
in the field of Art Teaching in the city.
I’ve attended BWP ever since I was six and it’s been a big part of why I am still pursuing art today. Over the years I’ve learned a lot from Helena and all the other teachers that taught there. I really enjoyed how a lot of projects were focused on the concept of the work just as much as the execution and was encouraged to enter a lot of contests that I might not have otherwise. I just wanted to say thank you to Helena for all the help she has given me over the years with the projects, contests and my portfolios, I don’t think I could have gotten here without it!~Rachel Shen ,
Joining Helena’s summer camp was a great experience for me because I was able to learn many things in a short amount of time. There were so many different projects to do and they were all lots of fun. The thing I loved most about the summer camp was that it taught me how to quickly generate ideas since we had new projects almost every day. Having so many projects at once also allowed me to experiment with many different mediums, some of which I already knew how to use and some which were completely new to me. Although the summer camp was only one week, I was able to learn so many valuable art and design skills from it. I’m very glad I decided to join this camp.~Cassandra Poon ,
I started attending classes at BWP at the young age of 4. From the beginning, projects were always diverse, allowing me to develop a variety of skills and become comfortable using different artistic media. Still life exercises aided in improving technique, while original compositions emphasized creative thinking. The latter is what stands out to me as something that differentiates BWP from other art schools; having the freedom to come up with my own ideas allowed for a very personal experience and made me think outside the box even as a child. As I grew older and began applying to art programs for school, creative thinking became an asset that helped me stand out from other applicants and ultimately receive offers of acceptance from the Arts Unionville program at Unionville High School as well as the University of Waterloo School of Architecture. I was provided further support during the application processes through the portfolio classes that BWP offers. During these classes, I received expert guidance in what artwork to include for a strong, well-rounded portfolio, as well as in creating additional pieces that showcased skills specific to my programs of interest. I highly encourage anyone with a passion for art to join us and I guarantee that the experience will be enjoyable and rewarding.~Michelle Lai ,
在准备作品集的过程中,我得到了很多来自辅导老师和Helena老师的帮助。我的技巧在她们的辅导下逐渐熟练,作品也变得精致。等到年末,我已经可以有把握地准备我的作品集了。Helena老师一直在监督我的进展。甚至,她还帮助我准备作品的介绍以及作品展示的排版。这种敬业精神真的很难得。我能考上插畫專科,真的多亏了她和其他老师等帮助。~Lucinda Lu,
Helena is a great teacher to work with. Helena is very welcoming and friendly. She also greatly helps me in developing my art and design skills. Before coming to her class, I only had some basic understanding of what it meant to design and compose an art piece. I never really had the chance to create ideas from scratch. I need some help with generating ideas that are more unique and creative. Helena is able to teach me how to compose an art piece and she also teaches me how to generate better and stronger ideas. Along the way, my art skills have also improved greatly. Whenever I have a problem or question, she is always able to answer it and help me, and I am very happy to have been able to be her student.~Cassandra Poon ,
Thanks so much for spending so much time to help me finish my Arts Unionville portfolio and helping me buy a lot of the materials, I probably wouldn’t have made it without you. You’re the best teacher ever, Helena!~Michelle Lai,
一個主題,但孩子各自畫自己的想法,注重創意。這裏不像某些學店,孩子們每個人做得都不一樣,很不容易。我比較欣賞他們的教育方式,有很大的引導創意技巧在裏面。孩子自己對每幅作品也很有成就感。現在孩子完成自己學校的設計類作業也輕鬆好多。~Amy Tu,
學校十周年的慶典中,看了學校十周年路程的回顧電影,為校長Helena感到驕傲。一個華人做美術學校可以做到這樣學術,可以說是鳳毛麟角,除了感動還是感動。~Amy Tu,
Helena, you are a wonderful teacher to Julie. As parents, we are happy for her that she made it into Sheridan. We are also happy with our decision that we placed her in your school. Once again, thanks.~Nina & Vincent, College
Since the age of 5, Helena Ng has inspired and guided me to a prosperous future in pursuing art. I am eternally grateful for all the extra hours and hard work she has generously given me. This art school almost feels like a second home to me; a place where I am surrounded by people who share the same artistic passion as me. I am proud to say that out of the 1200 people who applied to Ryerson University’s architectural science program, I am one of the 120 people who have been accepted. I couldn’t have done it without Helena’s help in the creation of my portfolio. I gained insightful tips and advice from other teachers who have attended similar universities such as Chris and Viola. For the past 12 years of my life, Beware of Wet Paint Progressive Art School has prepared me for the next educational journey that I will embark upon. Thank you!~Eva Huang ,
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate the time and patience you had with me for these past years. I know I’m probably one of the slowest and pickiest students ever but you’ve always helped me through deadlines as if they were your own. I have never had a teacher willing to put so many extra late hours for their students. I just wanted to let you know that all the late hours you have spent dealing with my pickiness and helping me finish my Christmas cards, art, contests, and portfolio will never be forgotten.~Jasmine Leung,
Dear Helena 非常感謝您支持,指導 Emily 准備參賽作品,同時非常細致,耐心的指導家長配合准備材料。一切的努力促進 Emily 在賽場上自信地完成了畫作,且勇奪兒童畫第一,二班季軍獎杯。 謝謝!~Emily Xu's Families/,
Thanks for your hard work and support to help Jonathan to have such great learning and achievement in the United Nations international contest. A very good experience for him.~May & Joe,
Helena, you are a wonderful teacher to Julie. As parents, we are happy for her that she made it into Sheridan. We are also happy with our decision that we placed her in your school. Once again, thanks.~Nina & Vincent, College
I have been attending Beware Wet Paint since I was 6. And I still keeps attending every week since then because I can learn and get improved in lots of creative arts and techniques, and also, the teachers are always very helpful, friendly and caring as well.~Jonathan Kwan,
做的藝術作品好可愛啊!贊! 這個夏令營真不錯!鍛煉創作力。 漂亮,我就喜歡小孩能夠發揮自己的想像力,加上五彩繽紛的顏色! 超級喜歡,很有創意呢!漂亮!~Josephine Chun,
Thank you for your patience and time for helping me prepare my portfolio. I would not have been accepted if it wasn’t for your help.~Jeff Cheung,
Beware Wet Paint has always pushed me to think of multiple ideas before taking on a project. At first it was, and still is, challenging and difficult, but in many ways it has prepared me not only for university but also becoming a better artist.~Joshua Chan,
好棒的老師和學校,那些畫和作品都充滿童趣和創意。非常喜歡這裏,感覺這裏才象個做藝術的地方。安靜的畫畫,每個孩子都畫自己獨一無二的畫。 學校鼓勵孩子自由的創作,用多點時間在一張畫上。寧可精些,不看量大。畫 100 張平庸之作,不如用心用時間好好畫好一張。在不斷的修改中,孩子也學會了什麼都要精益求精的品德。~Amy Tu,
I like the summer camps because there're always surprises in each week's projects and I never get bored with them. I have lots of fun and got to learn all kinds of interesting crafts and all kinds of techniques in painting, watercolour, pastel, paper marché and many more….etc. I have been attending regular classes from 5 years old until now in this school because there are always different creative projects in different age groups.
Be creative, Beware Wet Paint! Happy Anniversary!~Maggie Lam, / frequent attendants of Summer Camps
Helena was a one of the biggest factors in me being accepted into Ryerson University's Interior Design program. Since day one, she had helped me with the design and composition for my drawings, learning about different colour combinations, and numerous other useful techniques that would come in handy as a designer. I have always been a person who takes a very long time to finish any of my artworks, but Helena had always been very generous in being able to find time to help me finish. I remember for the Christmas creative painting, it took me some time to finalize a good design and I had to go to class almost every day to be able to meet the deadline for the painting. It had been a very joyful experience and I would miss going to art class and all the wonderful people I had met there.~Chen Xi,
The 2013 summer camp for Beware Wet Paint was a great experience. I learnt many art techniques there, however, that wasn't the best part about it. The best part for me was meeting new people and making new friends. It was also great because the teachers and assistant teachers were very helpful and could easily relate to you. All the activities were very fun and weren't very serious so we could still have lots of fun while accomplishing and learning things. I would most definitely go to this again.~Sean Gao, as well
Under your guidance I have not only improved on my techniques, but I’ve also learned to think conceptually. These things I got you do not being to express my gratitude to you. Without your unwaverly support, patience and pride for your student’s work, I would have never gotten this far in the arts. And for that I say thank you.~Jasmine Leung,