Our students Kelly Tsui and Fiona Tung have been selected as one of the 5 Regional Winners. From Jan 31st - Feb 14, there will be a public voting online to select the 5 National Finalists. Cissy Yao was also one of the 15 finalists of Ontario.
On Feb 25th, all finalists were gathered to attend the award ceremony and to hear the final result in Royal Ontario Museum. Each 5 regional finalists from the 5 main regions of Canada were honoured with awards and the Top National Winner announced! The winning doodle was featured on the Google Canada homepage for 24 hours and an award of $10,000 scholarship and a Google Chromebook.
All their creative work including the first round i.e. 73 art pieces will be displayed to the public till Apr 27th. Though Fiona and Kelly’s doodles were not the final national winner, we were so excited and proud of them to have achieved this far to the semi final! See the award ceremony. And again thank you again for your voting and support!