Welcome to our 2017-18 Annual Creative Art show



A New Year. A New Hope. Have Hope, You Can Create Future!

~ words from Principal Helena

歡迎蒞臨智新年度創作畫巡禮「希望在明天」開幕禮 ~ words from Principal Helena

This year, our Art Show theme is A New Year. A New Hope. The concept of this art show is to let all students think of how to spread hope to the world in different perspectives with our love and energy, so we can fight on to live a better life. There are different kinds of hope on the wall: encouraging the sick, help the poor, save and protect animals, turn the world greener.

Our school is going to be 15th anniversary soon in March/1. We have run our Art Show up to 13 years this year! This year, a total of 160 paintings of age 4 to portfolio level up to over 18 years old were exhibited at the upper level Gallery of Toronto Chinese Cultural Centre on Feb 25, 2018. I sincerely appreciate everyone in putting their effort in creating this ONE of a kind ART SHOW which you do not usually see in Toronto…with all ages showing creative art over one topic. They learnt about painting different techniques in details through this challenge. It is amazing that we do not only spread the good message to show our hope to the needy ones but actually physically take actions in giving them hope and life-changing impact by real donations! Through the card sale fund-raising activities since December till the Art Show Day by selling students’ single cards, collectible card series of selected paintings, teachers’ creative dog postcard, we have successfully raised $1150 for SickKids Foundation!

Finally I want to thank you so much for our teachers' effort in inspiring all of you in this project and setting this art show together, and photographer Andes Lo who helped us many years already in taking professional pictures. I hope you all enjoy the art show sharing!

智新作品美術學校年度學生聖誕創作畫展此聖誕創作畫展始於2006年, 每年以不同的聖誕主題, 由四至十八歲以上的學生以創意非常、豐富奪目的油彩來表達聖誕節日的不同氣氛及意義, 將作品展出分享, 更為兒童作品製成聖誕卡, 過去亦曾以售賣聖誕卡的活動為慈善機構籌款, 藉以兒童的色彩與心聲喚起社會的愛心與關注。今年的主題是「希望在明天」, 仰望明天, 創造未來! 每位參展學生都精心地把自己期盼對家庭、世界或需要援助的人表達祝願及分享,天馬行空地描繪出有趣窩心、意義深遠的人間溫暖, 不論獲奬與否, 每幅都是用心創作, 願望各位欣賞者都喜歡每位小朋友色彩豐富及洋溢節日氣氛的作品。本校定期舉辦年終的全校畫展是為了讓每位學生都有相同機會將自己一年中所學到的創意及技巧盡量發揮出來。每年的智新畫畫比賽都成為其中一個學生們努力的目標, 重點並不是獎項,而是建立良性競爭, 給予彼此爭取及挑戰自我進步的平台。

今年參賽作品增至160份, 其中共有65名學生得奬。每組競爭激烈,得不到奬項的學生也雖敗猶榮,因為每人都在作品上充份展現了精益求精的耐性及學習了質素的要求!希望在新一年看到學生更多的進步!


評審老師: Helena Ng & Chris Leung

評分準則: 50% 創意 (包括30%原創性及貼題+20%畫面編排上), 50%技巧製作
